Creating Original Music Project (COMP) K-12 Competition

COMP, the Creating Original Music Project, comprises two programs directed at younger composers:

  • A statewide competition that recognizes Missouri students (K-12) who compose original works in a variety of musical styles. Winning composers and their schools will be awarded cash prizes and performances at the University of Missouri. This year's COMP festival will take place Saturday, April 19, 2025*
  • The Missouri Summer Composition Institute (or Summer COMP), an exciting opportunity for some of Missouri’s young composers to come together for one week of learning and interacting with other creative minds. Participants will work intensively with MU faculty and compose a piece to be premiered at the end of the week by a resident ensemble. The Institute is open to students entering grades 9-12 and entering college freshmen.
  • Participants must submit a verification form along with their application, signed by their parents and teacher/sponsor.

The Creating Original Music Project is sponsored by an annual gift from the Sinquefield Charitable Foundation. 

Young Composers: Missouri Students from Grades K-12, including those homeschooled, are eligible to submit an original piece to the Creating Original Music Project.

K-12 Music Teachers: Each student who applies must have the signature and sponsorship of their school's music teacher. Schools that win prizes from the program must provide the opportunity for their young musicians to perform their pieces in their schools.

Not-for-profit Community Organizations: Community agencies, churches, after-school programs, etc. may sponsor their young musicians in partnership with the student's school music teacher.

Private studio teachers and other musical mentors: Private teachers and other musical mentors may sponsor a young musician in partnership with the student's school music teacher.

All entries must be original music written by the student, and only one entry per student is allowed. Arrangements of previously composed pieces or improvisation of already composed pieces will not be accepted. Music teachers and/or musical mentors may only assist students in notating or recording the pieces. The organizing committee encourages mentors and teachers to support young musicians and critique their work, though it must be the students' own and original composition.

Elementary, Kindergarten through grade 5:

  1. Songs with words (in any language) - students may submit notated or recorded entries. All languages welcomed!
  2. Instrumental pieces - students may submit notated or recorded entries.

Middle, Grades 6 through 8:

  1. Notated Music - only notated entries accepted. Acceptable instrumentation include mixed chamber ensemble (up to 6 instruments): Piano, percussion, violin, cello, flute, and clarinet. If writing for other instrumentation or vocal music, submissions will still be considered but MU does not guarantee performers for the festival. 
  2. Popular Genres - two subcategories accepted: Acoustic recordings or electronically produced music. Examples include rock, electronic (hip-hop, production, etc.), folk (singer-songwriter, bluegrass, folk songs, old-time music, etc.), alternative, etc.

High School, Grades 9 through 12:

  1. Notated  Music- only notated entries accepted. Acceptable instrumentation include mixed chamber ensemble (up to 6 instruments): Piano, percussion, violin, cello, flute, and clarinet. If writing for other instrumentation or vocal music, submissions will still be considered but MU does not guarantee performers for the festival. 
  2. Popular Genres - two subcategories accepted: Acoustic recordings or electronically produced music. Examples include rock, electronic (hip-hop, production, etc.), folk (singer-songwriter, bluegrass, folk songs, old-time music, etc.), alternative, etc.
  3. Jazz - lead sheets are required and arrangements are optional. 


  • COMP's judges reserve the right to reassign a submission to a different category than the applicant's selection if another genre seems more appropriate. 
  • MNMI does not guarantee a live performance of all the selected winners if instrumentation falls outside of the recommendations.  

All entries must be original music written by the student. Arrangements of previously composed pieces or improvisation based on composed pieces will not be accepted.

The composition may be written for NO MORE than six performers, and may be between 1 - 5 minutes in length for the junior division (elementary and junior High) and 3 - 8 minutes in length for the senior (high school) division. No prize will be awarded to schools not listed on the application. Only one submission per applicant is allowed. Pieces composed during the Missouri Summer Composition Institute (Summer COMP) are ineligible.

Music teachers and/or musical mentors may assist students in notating or recording the pieces. Mentors and teachers are encouraged to support young musicians and may critique their work, though the submissions must be the students' own and original compositions. Each student who applies must have the signature and sponsorship of her/his school's music teacher.

Welcome teachers! We're excited to have your students participate in our program this year. Here are some guidelines about the program for you to keep in mind as you help your students prepare to submit their applications:

  • Up to five submissions per category per school will be accepted. It is the responsibility of the school music teacher(s) to decide which three pieces per category will be entered in the contest.
  • All entries must be original music written by the student. Arrangements of previously composed pieces or improvisation based on composed pieces will not be accepted.
  • The composition may be written for no more than six performers to be considered for a live performance, and may be between 1 - 5 minutes in length for the junior division (elementary and junior High) and 3 - 8 minutes in length for the senior (high school) division.
  • Only one submission per applicant is allowed.
  • No prize will be awarded to schools not listed on the application.
  • Pieces composed during the Missouri Summer Composition Institute (Summer COMP) are ineligible.
  • In the case of pieces with multiple composers, each contributor must submit a separate application form. All of these forms must accompany the submission in the same envelope.

Please make sure there are no identifying marks other than the title of the composition on the submitted score. Do not put the name of the composer(s) or school on the score.

Winning composers and schools will receive cash prizes from the Creating Original Music Project in the following amounts:

High School Notated Music: 1st Place $1,250.00 

High School Notated Music: 2nd Place $1,000.00

High School Notated Music: 3rd Place $750.00 

High School Popular Genres (Acoustic or Produced): 1st place $1,250.00 

High School Popular Genres (Acoustic or Produced): 2nd place $1,000.00 

High School Popular Genres (Acoustic or Produced): 3rd place $750.00 

High School Jazz: 1st Place $1,250.00 

High School Jazz: 2nd Place $1,000.00 

High School Jazz: 3rd Place $750.00 

Middle School Notated Music: 1st Place $1,000.00 

Middle School Notated Music: 2nd Place $750.00 

Middle School Notated Music: 3rd Place $500.00 

Middle School Popular Genres (Acoustic or Produced): 1st Place $1,000.00 

Middle School Popular Genres (Acoustic or Produced): 2nd Place $750.00 

Middle School Popular Genres (Acoustic or Produced): 3rd Place $500.00 

Elementary School Instrumental Music: 1st Place $750.00 

Elementary School Instrumental Music: 2nd Place $500.00 

Elementary School Instrumental Music: 3rd Place $300.00 

Elementary School Songs With Words: 1st Place $750.00 

Elementary School Songs With Words: 2nd Place $500.00 

Elementary School Songs With Words: 3rd Place $300.00 

High Schools: 1st Place (x3) $1,250.00 

High Schools: 2nd Place (x3) $1,000.00 

High Schools: 3rd Place (x3) $750.00 

Middle Schools: 1st Place (x2) $1,250.00 

Middle Schools: 2nd Place (x2) $1,000.00 

Middle Schools: 3rd Place (x2) $750.00 

Elementary Schools: 1st Place (x2) $1,250.00 

Elementary Schools: 2nd Place (x2) $1,000.00 

Elementary Schools: 3rd Place (x2) $750.00 

For works written by multiple composers, the award amount will be divided evenly among the winning composers. For homeschooled students, only the composer will receive an award. 

Winning compositions will be performed at the Creating Original Music Project Festival held in April each year at the University of Missouri. All winning composers are expected to attend the festival for the performance of their original pieces. In addition, schools that win prizes from the program are encouraged to provide the opportunity for their young musicians to perform their pieces in their schools.

Judges will rank the compositions from first to last in each category. If they believe that none of the compositions in a given category merit an award, they will be free to say so. The comments, ca. three to five sentences, will be shared with the applicant, but not the rankings.

Program COMP 2023
Program COMP 2024

2025 COMP Application Form

Applications for the 2024 COMP festival will open on Monday, September 23, 2024.

Applications close on January 26, 2025 (DEADLINE EXTENDED!) 

Please also submit a verification form (See below).

2025 COMP Verification form
Past COMP Winners
2023 Winners186.82 KB
2022 Winners106.73 KB
2021 Winners124.98 KB
2019 Winners103.25 KB
2018 Winners100.61 KB
2017 Winners95.66 KB
2016 Winners84.58 KB
2015 Winners96.53 KB
2014 Winners97.57 KB
2013 Winners97.13 KB
2012 Winners95.53 KB
2010 Winners97.33 KB
2009 Winners95.63 KB
2008 Winners68.08 KB
2007 Winners69.15 KB
2006 Winners67.55 KB