Missouri Summer Composition Institute

The Missouri Summer Composition Institute (June 22-28, 2025) is an exciting opportunity for some of Missouri’s young composers to come together for one week of learning and interacting with other creative minds. The deadline for applications is Sunday, May 4th at 11:59 p.m. All accepted students will be able to participate FREE.
We're excited to be able to offer the camp in person! Accepted students can expect high-quality instruction and a face-to-face experience with our faculty, as well as presentations, workshops, and a performance/recording by renowned musicians of a professional ensemble that will bring their compositions to life.
Participants will receive composition lessons from MU faculty and compose a piece to be premiered at the end of the week. This year's classical music track will be under the instruction of Dr. Stefan Freund, and Dr. Bonnie McLarty will lead a section in popular genres.
The Institute is open to students entering grades 9th -12th or their first year of college. Up to 20 composers will be selected to participate, where they will write brand new works to be work-shopped, performed, and recorded by an ensemble of professional musicians.
The only *free* summer program for high school composers!
- live and learn on Mizzou's campus
- take lessons from esteemed faculty
- craft a totally new music composition
- hear it performed by a professional ensemble!
Activities include:
- Daily Notation, Instrumentation, and Repertoire Courses: Students will meet together at the Sinquefield Music Center each day for courses in notation, repertoire, and instrumentation, taught by MU’s world-class music composition faculty.
- Daily Private Composition Lessons: Each student will have daily one-on-one meetings with their composition instructor to get feedback on their works-in-progress.
- Workshops with Members of a Professional Ensemble: Professional musicians will host workshops demonstrating tips and tricks for instrumental writing, leading up to rehearsals and performances of each new composition to be premiered in concert on Saturday, June 17th.
- Chamber Music Rehearsals: Students will attend rehearsals of their new piece, provide feedback, and learn how a professional ensemble approaches a new work, from rehearsal to a polished performance.
- Evening Activities: Our camp staff will provide fun group activities each evening.
- Lodging and Meals: Meals will be provided by the Mizzou Campus Dining Center, as well as housing for seven nights in University Housing provided by Residential Life.
All accepted students will be able to participate absolutely FREE thanks to the generosity of the Sinquefield Charitable Foundation. This includes accommodations and a meal plan for the duration of the camp.
For more information, contact Managing Director Andrea Luque Karam, andrea.luquekaram@missouri.edu
2025 Dates: June 22-28, 2025
Tuition: FREE
Application: https://zealous.co/mnmi/opportunity/Missouri-Summer-Composition-Institute-1/
Deadline: May 4, 2025 11:59pm Central
Notification Date: May 25th by the end of day